On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 04:52:40PM +0200, Ansgar Esztermann-Kirchner wrote:
> Hello List,
Hi Ansgar,
> a couple of question regarding Qluman:
> -As far as I understand the docs, the hierarchy for nodes is supposed
>  to be host < enclosure < rack.
>  Putting a node inside an enclosure can be done easily via the node's
>  enclosure pop-up, but I have been unable to put the enclosure inside
>  the rack. The only method I did find (drag and drop inside the tree
>  view) lead to an error:
>  Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/qluman-10/client/qt/TreeWidget.py", l$
>      updates[slot.id] = {"child_enclosure_id": w.id}
>      AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'id'
I can reproduce this error. Drag&drop works when moving a host into an
enclosure but not when moving an enclosure into a rack. This will be fixed
in the next version.
> -How do I define rack types? We have 42U racks without any special
>  slots, and 47U racks with a couple of special slots, and neither is
>  present in Qluman by default.
Rack types, or more correctly enclosure types, are defined in the
database and there is (yet) no GUI interface to define new enclosure
types or edit existing types. I've added a feature request to our
issue tracker for this but it might be a while till it gets
Meanwhile if you let us know the specs for your racks (the 47U
specifically) I can add them to the predefined racks.
> -How do I diagnose hardware mismatch problems? In the right hand pane
>  of the Enclosure View, my test node shows a red wrench with tool tip
>  "Hardware config doesn't match host". The wrench is shown on a
>  clickable button, but when I click it, nothing happens. I couldn't
>  find anything in the menus, either.
> A.
The Hardware infos for the host are shown as tooltip when you hover
over the host in the TreeView on the left. You have configured one of
the hardware properties differently to what was detected at boot and
comparing the tooltip to the config should show the difference.
Alternatively you can select the host in the TreeView, open the
Hardware Wizard (Manage Hosts -> Hardware Wizard), click "Selected"
and follow the wizard to reconfigure the host.