Once again I must ask for advice.
I get frustrated and give up, but I find it's a chalange I must keep working at.
Setting my Gateway router to Port Forwarding :80 and assigning cl-head a static IP.
I have completed the initial install.
First Steps made it through without errors.
This helped with 'HTTP Proxy' and the http: downloads from the repo access.
I have setup a laptop as user@workspace, and installed
'qluman-', singularity, go, and associated files.
user@workspace:~$ $HOME/qluman-
QstandsrdPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR points to non-existing path
'/run/user/1000', please create it with 0700 permissions.
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported.
What Command line would you recommend to create
a Path to '/run/user/1000' with 0700 permissions ?

I have tried to no avail.
user@workspace:~$ chmod 0700 /run/user/1000
user@workspace:~$ chmod 0700 $HOME/qluman-

p.s. I love the structure of Qlustar.


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